The company BTRexp was founded in 2008 in the municipality of Boljevac – Serbia.

The construction of a furnace for  production of high-quality charcoal using one of the most advanced technologies was completed in 2009 with the support of local authorities and the SIEPA agency.

Our goals, availability of quality raw materials, profitability of the production process, exceptional quality of charcoal, direct contact with customers and environmental protection have been fully achieved.

Let’s make the world a better place. Everything is in our hands. Let’s change outdated technologies.

ABOUT US - BTRexp d.o.o.

Our vision

The alignment of social goals and the goals of preserving the human environment was a challenge that we overcame. BTRexp aims to achieve a leadership position in the production of high quality charcoal in the region. Increasing the placement of our products on the EU market is our primary goal.

Our appearance at the Spoga+Gaffa fair in Cologne in the last three years resulted with notable promotion of our company and the development of our own brand. We presented ourselves as a high-quality producer and supplier of charcoal for EU market and as a carrier of new modern technology in the region of Southeast Europe. By active participating in the innovations of other companies, by transferring “know-how”, we give a new impetus to sustainable development through a harmonious relationship between ecology and economy.

Our mission

If we want to save humanity, we must listen to the voice of nature.

Our mission:

To be a partner to our customers
To provide satisfaction to our consumers
To enrich the community in which we operate
To exploit forests rationally
To reduce harmful gas emissions

Consumption of wood for production 1kg of charcoal: Traditional furnace 7-8 kg VMR furnace 4kg.

The presence of gases on
10 meters from the stove: Traditional stove – VMR stove

CO – carbon monoxide 140-176 mg/m³ – 1 mg/m³
SO₂ – sulfur dioxide 8-13 µg/m³ – 0
NOₓ – nitrogen oxide 75-116 µg/m³ – 0
benzene 600-840 µg/m³ – 0

Sampling of harmful substances was carried out with IR ProFtir 204 and MRU Vario plus industrial devices in 2011.