Production process


The production of beech charcoal is set up in modern furnaces according to the VMR – Van Marion Retort system. In the process of dry distillation of wood, the resulting gases burn and generate thermal energy, which is the fuel for the operation of the furnace. In horizontally placed retorts, made of special bricks resistant to high temperatures and walls protected by steel sheets, a continuous process of wood pyrolysis takes place, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

The furnace is started using external energy. When a sufficient temperature is reached, a container with dry wood is placed in one of the two retorts and the carbonization process begins.

During the exothermic process by burning wood without the presence of oxygen in the retort, a temperature of up to 650°C is reached and a large amount of gases are produced, which are led to the central combustion chamber where they burn with the release of a large amount of thermal energy. The generated thermal energy keeps the furnace in working mode and no external energy is needed. The wood is inserted into the left and right retort and alternately every 8 hours as long as the carbonization process lasts.
For the production of 1 kg of charcoal, about 4 kg of wood with a moisture content of 15 to 20% is needed. The final product, charcoal-charcoal, can be used immediately after the cooling period.

Homogeneous granulation of our charcoal is made possible by the DEGUSSA system, which has the possibility of high-quality sieving, giving different fractions, depending on the needs of customers.

A quality product, energy efficiency and concern for the protection of the human environment recommend the VMR system as a leading technology by FAO advisors and experts.

Based on the license purchase agreement, BTRexp received the exclusive right to build furnaces using VMR technology on the territory of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Romania and Bulgaria.